The Perfect Game was the Perfect Book. 5 Stars
I loved it. I loved Cassie. She had a great personality and evolved through the book. I liked watching her come out of her comfort zone even though it was scary and often times didn't work out the way she wanted.
Jack Carter? What can I say? I LOVE Jack. Jack had layers, and I wanted to peel each one back. Underneath his hard shell was the heart of a MAN not some guy or a dude. Jack also evolved and that was refreshing to watch.
The characters didn't stay stagnant. They didn't fall into typical roles found in YA novels where somehow or other they one day magically became these wonderful people without flaws. They battled their demons and insecurities.
I also enjoyed the plot surrounding Jack's baseball career. Having grown up in a baseball family, I understood what all of that meant. The love of this game is unlike that of other sports. And I found that Jenn Sterling gave an accurate representation of the brotherhood of the teammates, the focus and passion for the game, and the respect for the coach. Baseball is not just about raising up ballplayers; it is about molding men.
The book elicited a range of emotions from swoon, giddyness, tears and heartbreak to more swoon. Just the right combination to keep me from a box of chocolates but enough to make my heart smile.
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Lots of great books!!
These are some of my favorites. =)
Great postt thankyou
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